Boys’ Basketball

Varsity and Middle School

Michael Phillips

Boys’ Basketball Coach

On top of being the Administrator for Bay City Christian School, Dr. Michael Phillips is also the Bobcats basketball coach. He’s been coaching either basketball or volleyball for more than 35 years. Dr. Phillips played 2 years of Varsity basketball in high school and 4 years intramural basketball and volleyball in college. He had the privilege of winning state soccer and basketball championships as a high school student, and that provides an incentive to help his athletes to be able to enjoy that same experience. And many of them have! Mr. Phillips had the privilege to coach the Lady Bobcats to three of their six consecutive WACS state championships.

Dr. Phillips has found that coaching enhances his ministry with the student-athletes. Training athletes and helping them through intense competition, while enjoying friendly conversation, creates a unique bond that often opens the door to sharing Biblical truths. He develops his players by seeking to nurture godliness, endurance, and hard work. One of the most important things he wants to teach is to glorify God in whatever we do. Before every practice and game, the team recites Colossians 3:23-24, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”

Dr. Phillips has been married for more than 35 years. He and his wife Shellee have four children. He enjoys watching and participating in a variety of sports. In the summer, he likes to ride his bike to school (8.4 miles). The Phillips family is on a quest to visit every Major League Baseball stadium. Stop by his office and see his mini bat collection!

Middle School Boys’ Basketball Coach

Mr. Kevin Smith is our middle school boys’ basketball coach. 

The athletic administration at Bay City Christian School believes that athletic participation can promote growth not only in one’s physical capabilities but also in one’s academic efforts, social interactions, and even spiritual wellness. For these reasons, the athletics program at Bay City Christian School exists for the purpose of giving its students additional opportunities to achieve the Christian school’s overall purpose and mission.