Why Christian Education?

Bay City Christian School

It’s vital that every Christian parent prayerfully consider what the Lord wants of them for the training and education of their children. As Christian parents, we understand that “children are a heritage of the Lord…” (Psalm 127:3). We want our children to be well-educated and prepared to excel at whatever God calls them to do. We also want our children to know their Creator, and have a desire to serve Him so they can pass a Christian heritage down to their children. It’s important that Christ-centered teaching begins in the home; and the education you choose for your child will either support and reinforce that Biblical worldview, or it will reject it.

The sad truth is that according to Lifeway Research and the Barna Group, 70% of young adults who regularly attend church in their youth, leave the church; and the biggest reason is that most of them doubt the truth of the Bible.

They cite various reasons for their doubts such as:
• The Bible was written by men.
• Evolution proves the Bible is wrong.
• The Bible wasn’t translated correctly.

Surprisingly, 89% say that their doubts about the Bible and their faith began in middle and high school. (Britt Beemer, America’s Research Group) This seems to agree with the Barna Group studies which have found “that a person’s worldview is primarily shaped and is firmly in place” by the age of thirteen, and it’s “refined through experiences during the teen and early adult years.” (Barna.org) Further study sheds light on those most likely to leave the church:

• Eighty-six percent went to public school.
• Four percent were educated in other forms. (Britt Beemer, America’s Research Group) 

Study sheds light on those most likely to leave the church

  • Attended Public School 86% 86%
  • Attended Christian School 7% 7%
These studies clearly show that a Christian based education can be of vital importance for Christian families. It also reinforces the truth and instruction given in God’s Word. Proverbs 19:27 says, “Cease listening to instruction, my son, And you will stray from the words of knowledge.” In Colossians 2:8, this warning is given: “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

Education takes up a lot of hours and years of a child’s life. During their most formative years, they’re in a classroom seven hours a day. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” In today’s secularized culture, this is no simple task, and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Christian parents should labor over it, pray about it, and study God’s Word about it. As Christians, we understand that God is a part of every aspect of our life, not just church or Sunday School. He’s a part of science, history, math, sports, and friendships. At Bay City Christian School, we strive to provide an outstanding education as well as help students see God in everything they learn, providing them with a godly foundation to help them live out their faith in their everyday life. Here your child will be taught from a Biblical worldview where God is not only welcome in the classroom, but is an integral part of every lesson and of every other part of their day.

At Bay City Christian School, you can be confident that your children will be under the influence and care of skilled teachers who love the Lord Jesus, and want to see your children know Him too. It can be reassuring to know that if your child has questions, concerns, or difficulties at school, that they have a teacher who cares about them and will give them Biblical counsel, and reinforce the principles that you’ve taught in your home.

We applaud those who choose a Christ-centered education for their children, and we want to be a support for you whether you choose Bay City Christian School, homeschooling, or for those who feel they have no other option, public school. God has a plan for each and every child, and we believe that if you ask Him, God will give you the wisdom and the ability to provide your child with the education that He wants for them.

If you would like to learn more about Bay City Christian School and go inside our clean, up to date classrooms, please call our office and schedule a personalized tour. We’ll give you an opportunity to see first-hand if Bay City Christian School is a good fit for your family. We’ll team you up with a family that has had a similar experience to your own, whether that’s with public school, private school, or home school. We’ll match you with a family that we believe can most honestly and accurately answer your questions and tell you what you can expect for your child at Bay City Christian School.

We look forward to meeting you and your family and helping you in any way that we can, as you prayerfully consider your child’s education and what God would have for you and for your family.