Miss Weldy believes the things students see and hear at this annual event really reinforce the things they learn in the classroom. “They get the opportunity to hear the vocabulary they learn in class. They’ve been learning about constituents and reapportionment and bi-partisanship. So when the leaders are talking about it, it helps them in the learning process. They also see how slow government can be and how difficult it can be to get things done.”
This year was another successful “Day at the Capital.” Every year Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) plans this event and invites all Wisconsin Association of Christian Schools to attend. This year Bay City Christian School students received a special surprise. They saw Bay City Alumna Bethany Brunner at the event. She’s currently interning for Wisconsin Family Council, which works along with WFA to advance Christian principles and values in Wisconsin in many ways, including legislatively at the state capitol.
We look forward to another exciting adventure in Madison next year!